Thank you for your interest in Northwood.
Closing date for 2026 applications is 30th May 2025
- Completing / Submitting Applications:
In order for your son’s application to be considered, please complete the online application form and upload all supporting documentation requested. (These documents do not need to be certified.) If you do not submit the requested documents, you will not be able to proceed to the next stage of the application form.
This form is to be completed by the Parents or Legal Guardian/s of the learner.
Admittance is granted strictly in accordance with the following:
- The Admissions Department will first process, all learners who reside with their parents or legal guardian, in the Durban North zoned area. (proof of address will need to be provided)
- All other applications, will be placed on a waiting list.
- All applications placed on the waiting list, will receive a response in writing after their application has been considered.
Please note that submission of an application does not guarantee acceptance to Northwood.
- The documents listed below (certified or uncertified) are required. Please make sure that these are already saved and ready to upload before beginning the application process, making sure your saved files, DO NOT contain commas, hyphens or apostrophes. Documents must be saved separately.
- Only pdf files are accepted. For the Learner’s photo, a JPEG (head and shoulders) file will be accepted. If you do not have a scanner, you can search the App/Play Store for a pdf scanner app for your phone. (most of these App’s are free)
- If any of these documents are more than one page in length (e.g. a 3-page clinic card) please scan these pages into a single pdf file.
- Please ensure you are using the latest version of whichever, web browser you are using.
- A recent photo of the Learner - This must be an JPEG image, (head and shoulders only),
- Most recent school report
- Copy of the Learner’s unabridged (full) birth certificate
This reflects the names and ID numbers of both parents. If you do not have the new (unabridged) certificate, you may submit the old (abridged) certificate in the meantime.
However, you must apply for the unabridged birth certificate from the Department of Home Affairs and send us proof of application (i.e. a copy of the receipt). Please ensure that you send us the new unabridged certificate before the Learner starts at Northwood School, as no learner may be admitted without this.
- Copy of the Learner’s clinic card (as proof of vaccination)
Please visit your local clinic, if you have lost your son’s clinic card, or submit a letter stating you have lost this information and are busy getting a copy made. This is an Education department requirement.
- Copy of both Parents’/Guardians’ identity documents (ID)
If a parent is deceased, we will require a death certificate instead.
Single parents: If you are unable to provide all details of the Learner’s other biological parent (e.g. ID numbers, addresses, contact numbers), please contact the Admissions Department for advice before completing this application.
- Proof of residence
- A utility bill if you own the property, or lease agreement from the person who owns/leases the property, at which you live.
- An additional account in your name with your physical address listed (Telkom, Vodacom etc.)
- Legal guardianship – point 6 on the application form
If you are the biological parents, please upload your son’s unabridged birth certificate showing both parents, for proof. If you are the legal guardian of the learner, we will need a copy of the court order.
Two months’ bank statements for person paying fees. (If not the biological parent or guardian we will need a copy of their ID also.)
- Copy of Study permit (International Learners – where applicable)
- Debit order amount – (See below for monthly fees)
Confirmation of receipt of Applications:
Confirmation of receipt of completed application forms will be emailed to parents at the email address provided. If you have not received a confirmation email within 10 days, please telephone the Admissions Department to query. (This email is not an indication of acceptance or rejection).
Thereafter, please do not be concerned if you receive no further correspondence from us, we will contact you if there is anything further that we require.
We receive hundreds of applications and are only able to accept approximately 40% of the boys who apply. It is therefore ESSENTIAL THAT YOU ALSO APPLY TO A SECOND AND THIRD SCHOOL (AS SOON AS POSSIBLE), there is no guarantee that your son’s application to Northwood will be successful.
Notification of Acceptance / Non-Acceptance:
The Admissions Committee carefully assesses every application and sets up interviews with learners and their parents, if they have met all the criteria. A final decision will be made by the admissions committee, once interviews have been completed and parents will be emailed, to inform them of the committee’s decision.
Please note; acceptance is provisional. Once the criteria below have been met (within the stipulated timeframes), acceptance will be deemed final.
- Paid the acceptance deposit
- Satisfactorily completed and returned the acceptance documentation.
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Northwood School Admission Policy
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Acceptance Deposit
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Information Evenings
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Admissions Department
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Application Details
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Section 1: Personal Details of Learner
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Supporting Documentation Required
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Section 2: Scholastic Details of Learner
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Admission Requirements to the Boarding Establishment
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Family Scholastic History
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Subject Selection
N.B. Northwood is an English-medium school and all correspondence and academic lessons are therefore conducted in English 1st Language.
*Subjects offered are changed on an annual basis according to demand, therefore please check availability.
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Section 3: Personal Particulars of Father
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Section 4: Personal Particulars of Mother
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Section 5: Parents Marital Status
N.B. The report and general correspondence is sent to the person with whom the learner resides.
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Section 6: Extra-Mural Activities of Learner
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Section 7: Third Party Contact Person in Case of Emergency
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Section 8: Medical Details of Learner
Medical Aid Details
N.B. The school offers a pupil medical insurance, of which the policy is held with Marsh Insurance. This policy is a medical insurance and not a medical aid, and covers your son/s for injuries sustained while doing sporting activities. Although this medical insurance is not compulsory, it is advisable for parents, whose son/s participate in extra-mural activities and are not on a medical aid, to take this insurance. Details and pricing are available from the school.
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Section 9: Declaration
Section 10: Finance
Importance of payment of fees:
The operation of a school of the size and quality of Northwood is a costly business. The Department of Education pays the salaries of approximately half of the educators and support staff at our school, plus a contribution of less than two percent of all non-salary running costs. This means that effectively all of the costs of running the school, as well as half of the salaries, are funded by the school fees that you pay, as parent or guardian of a Northwood boy. Without these fees, our school could not function - it would be impossible to maintain our school’s world-class facilities or offer the top quality education or the wide range of sporting and cultural activities that we are proud to offer at Northwood.
We wish to express our appreciation to the majority of our parents who, recognising the importance of fee income to the proper functioning of the school, pay their fees timeously, either annually in advance or by monthly debit order. However, there are unfortunately some parents who choose not to meet their obligation to pay school fees, preferring instead to undermine the operation and sustainability of Northwood School. Perhaps they take the view that it is acceptable for all of the other fee-paying parents to subsidise their sons’ schooling.
As is the case with all other state schools, Northwood is forced to go to great lengths to secure payment from these defaulting parents, including ultimately the use of debt collection agencies and in extreme cases, credit blacklisting, all at considerable administrative cost to the school. We are sympathetic with those parents who honestly wish to pay, but due to financial duress genuinely cannot afford to pay school fees due to unemployment or very low income levels – such parents may apply in the first half of each year for a Partial Exemption from fees, according to the rules laid down by the Department of Education.
The granting of a partial exemption is subject to full disclosure of all household income and a range of other checks to ensure eligibility, since exemptions are not effectively sub vented by Government, but must be cross-subsidised by fee-paying parents.
Northwood believes that non-payment of school fees is completely unacceptable. If you are willing and prepared to remain up to date with payment of your school fees, may we take this opportunity to thank you for prioritising your son’s education and meeting your obligation to support the sound operation of Northwood school.
Please be assured that the steps we take to ensure timeous fee payment form part of a drive to ensure that as small a portion as possible of your school fee payment is used to subsidise those parents who enjoy the considerable benefits of a Northwood education for their sons but cannot pay for it.
N.B. Parents to notify Northwood of any changes to contact details, particular email addresses, as the bulk of our correspondence is communicated “electronically” to parents.
Please note that Northwood will not be held responsible for non-receipt of electronic communication due to incorrect contact details.
Written Authority and Mandate for Debit Payment Instructions
A. Authority
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